68th Texas Legislature, 2nd Called Session
Signed Into Law July 13, 1984
“Driven by a commitment from the business community and strong political and education leadership, the study [by the Select Committee on Public Education] was a ground-breaking and substantive report that helped launch a two-decade long commitment to data-driven, standards-based education reform.”
- Select Committee on Public Education
- Recommendations of the Select Committee
- Subcommittee on the Teaching Profession
- House Public Education Committee
- Senate Education Committee
- House Bill 72 Legislative History
- House Bill 72 Enrolled Version
- Fiscal Note of HB72
- Tax Bill 122 Fiscal Note and Bill
- Staff and Supporters
It was Time for Action!
“Across the nation, the average score of college-bound seniors on the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) fell 44 points between 1972 and 1982. In Texas, the decline was 53 points. Moreover, whereas in Texas in 1972 average scores were only 16 points below the national average, in 1982 Texas students were scoring 25 points below the national average.”
Texas Public Education: A Matter of Priorities
Texas Research League, May 1984